Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Hours: 126
The Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering at 海角社区 prepares you for a career in machine design, systems design, energy resources and conversion, manufacturing and production, transportation and environmental impact, materials and structures and aerospace.
This program offers you an engineering degree in a broad discipline incorporating the research, design, development, manufacturing and testing of mechanical devices. The undergraduate curriculum is accredited by . Our program offers you access to scholarships, internships and co-ops and networking through various student-to-corporate organizations.
Watch the faculty and alumni interview to learn more about the Mechanical Engineering program.
Introduction to Design: The course introduces students to the basics of engineering design and emphasizes the foundations of geometric modeling as applied to mechanical design through use of modern computer- aided design tools, such as SolidWorks; Introduces physical prototyping tools; geometric visualization concepts: projection, isometric, oblique, perspective; three-dimensional representations, surface, and solid modeling; dimensioning and tolerancing and 3D printing.
Introduction to Programming: Development and implementation of algorithms in a procedure-oriented language, with emphasis on numerical methods for engineering problems.
Statics: Statics is a course that covers the mechanics of particles and rigid bodies in static equilibrium in two- and three- dimensional space. This includes the calculations of translational and rotational forces using both scalar and vector computations in two- and three-dimensions. Force equilibrium concepts are extended to analyze trusses using both the method of joints and method of sections. A general introduction into elastic beam theory and internal force diagrams is presented. Finally, concepts involving center of mass, centroid of an area, and area moment of inertia are discussed.
Dynamics: This course will provide the students with a stepping-stone from physics to application of mechanics to design problems that will be encountered in advanced courses. Aspects of motion, forces, work, energy, impulse and momentum will be introduced to understand how they are applied to practical problems.
Mechanics of Solids: This course provides an introduction to the concepts of stress, deformation and strain in solid materials. Basic relationships between loads, stresses, and deflections of structural and machine elements such as rods, shafts and beams are developed. The load-carrying capacity of these elements under tension, compression, torsion, bending and shear forces are considered. It is essential for the prediction of structural failure in any industry application. This course is the pre-requisite to Dynamics, Machine Design and any further study in deformable mechanics.
With a degree in mechanical engineering, you will be in demand in practically every type of manufacturing operation as well as in research, academic and governmental organizations. Mechanical engineers use proven problem-solving techniques to take a product from design to manufacturing to marketplace. In some way, they touch every product or service we use, which makes a mechanical engineering education highly versatile. Mechanical engineers work in various industries including, but not limited to: aerospace, automotive, energy, materials and composites and human health.
Mechanical engineer, automotive engineer, control and instrumentation engineer