
Graduate Course Inventory

English Course Offerings and Descriptions

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English (ENGL)

Course Number: 5310
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Teaching of Writing

Course Description:
An introduction to major theories of composition, to research in the teaching of composition and to pedogogical techniques for teaching writing.

Course Number: 5311
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Special Topics in Comparative Literature

Course Description:
Intensive study of an author or authors, genre or period selected from the range of world literature. Emphasis on analysis and literary method. Course may be repeated for a maximum of six semester hours credit when the topic varies.

Course Number: 5312
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Studies Language & Linguistics

Course Description:
Special problems in linguistics, such as the history of American English, regional dialects, new grammars. May be taken for credit more than once if the topic varies.

Course Number: 5314
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Studies in Critical Theory

Course Description:
Advanced study of the relationship between form and content in various modes of media, discourse, and criticism. Emphasis on major figures and methodology in contemporary literary theory.

Course Number: 5315
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Studies in Womens Literature

Course Description:
Poetry, prose, and/or drama by women from classical times to the present. May be taken for credit more than once if the topic varies.

Course Number: 5316
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Studies Victorian Literature

Course Description:
Poetry and prose of the Victorian period. May be taken for credit more than once if the topic varies.

Course Number: 5317
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Modern Drama

Course Description:
Dramatic trends and representative plays from Ibsen to the present.

Course Number: 5318
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Modern Poetry

Course Description:
Poetic developments in England and America with emphasis on representative poets from Hardy to the present.

Course Number: 5319
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Modern Fiction

Course Description:
Prose fiction representative of modern ideas and trends, with emphasis on English and Continental authors.

Course Number: 5326
Credit Hours: 3
Title: The Am Renaissance: 1820-1860

Course Description:
Major Authors of the period from Poe to Melville.

Course Number: 5327
Credit Hours: 3
Title: The Dev Am Realism: 1860-1900

Course Description:
Major authors of the period from Whitman to Norris.

Course Number: 5329
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Modern American Literature

Course Description:
Major American writers of the 20th century.

Course Number: 5332
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Special Topics in Non-Traditional Literature

Course Description:
Study of different forms of literary expression in regional, alternative, genre or minority literature. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours when topics vary.

Course Number: 5333
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Studies in a Particular Author

Course Description:
Major writers such as Chaucer, Milton, Hawthorne, Faulkner. May be taken for credit more than once when the topic varies.

Course Number: 5334
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Critical Studies in Literature

Course Description:
A particular genre or theme in comparative literature or criticism. May be taken more than once for credit when the topic varies.

Course Number: 5335
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Introduction to the Profession

Course Description:
Introduction to professional expectations and opportunities in the study of English, including trends in vocational, literary and pedagogical studies and related disciplines.

Course Number: 5336
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Directed Studies

Course Description:
Directed Study in an area of mutual interest. May be taken for credit more than once if topic varies.

Course Number: 5340
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Shakespeare

Course Description:
Selected major plays. May be taken for credit more than once if the topic varies.

Course Number: 5342
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Academic Writing

Course Description:
Theories of rhetoric and composition related to writing for academic publication.

Course Number: 5344
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Writing Workshop

Course Description:
Intensive study in writing, focusing on student work through a workshop format. May be repeated if the content varies.

Course Number: 5345
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Writing Seminar

Course Description:
Intensive study in writing, focusing on specific topics, with either a technical or creative emphasis. May be taken more than once for credit if the topic varies.

Course Number: 5346
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Studies in Rhetoric

Course Description:
Advanced study of rhetorical and discourse analysis of speeches and texts. May be taken for credit more than once if the topic varies.

Course Number: 5347
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Multimedia

Course Description:
Theories of rehetoric and composition related to writing for the web and producing multimedia genres. Explores the history of writing techonologies as well as how these impact texts and the writing process.

Course Number: 5351
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Studies in Literature Before 1800

Course Description:
Study of the development of literature before romanticism. The course may be repeated to a maximum of 6 hours when the topic varies.

Course Number: 5365
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Internship

Course Description:
Opportunity to work in real world work setting in activities related to professional communication and technical writing.

Course Number: 5381
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Studies in 18th Century Lit

Course Description:
Poetry, prose and drama of the period 1660-1800. May be taken for credit more than once if the topic varies.

Course Number: 5390
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Thesis

Course Description:
Prerequisite: Approval of graduate advisor. Must complete both for required 6 credits.

Course Number: 5391
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Thesis

Course Description:
Prerequisite: Approval of graduate advisor. Must complete both for required 6 credits.

Course Number: 5392
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Studies in Romantic Lit

Course Description:
Poetry, prose and drama of the Romantic period. May be taken for credit more than once if the topic varies.