
LU Weekly Update 海角社区 Students
Week of September 9, 2024
Red Day 2024
Tuesday, Sept. 17 - Wednesday, Sept. 18
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LU Center for Resiliency Continues Disaster Backpack Distributions on Wednesdays

Prepare for hurricane season with the LU Center for Resiliency Smartstorm disaster training and receive a backpack complete with emergency supplies to assist you and your family in the event of a disaster. Bring your participation verification to the Signature Center suites located in the Cherry Engineering Building on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Taylored Tuesday
Taylor-ed Tuesday

Date: Tuesday, Sept. 10, Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Location: Setzer Student Center, Cypress 1 & 11 (125/127)

Join Dr. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor, faculty, and staff representatives to receive an LU tie, scarf, or bow tie to the first 100 students who attend. Individual instructions on how to tie the tie or scarf will also be provided.

Aguas Frescas
LUNDA Presents: Aguas Frescas

Date: Tuesday, Sept. 10, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location: Setzer Student Center Atrium

Support your LU Nutrition Dietetics Association. We'll be selling horchata, watermelon, strawberry, and pineapple for $5 each. We'll accept cash and cash app and we'll be in the Setzer Student Center from 11 a.m. until we sell out.

First Responders
Texas First Responders Day

Date: Wednesday, Sept. 11, 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Location: Spindletop Boomtown Museum

Join Boomtown in honoring our Texas first responders on this special day. We'll kick off the morning with a gusher re-enactment at 9:30 a.m., bringing history to life for everyone to enjoy. From 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., we're offering free coffee to all first responders as a token of our appreciation.

Center for History
Center for History and Culture Fall Launch 2024

Date: Thursday, Sept. 12, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Location: Reaud Building, Reaud Event Space (Room 101)

Come learn about the Center's work in fostering the scholarship and creativity of Southeast Texas and the greater gulf regions. Hear about news, announcements, upcoming programing, 2025 Greater Gulf Symposium, fellowships, and more. Refreshments will be provided, and this event is free and open to the public.

Crochet Knit Club
Crochet and Knit Club First General Meeting

Date: Friday, Sept. 13, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Location: Archer Physics Building, Room 201

Join us to learn about and other important information about the Crochet and Knit Club.

Hot Grits
Boomtown Serenade

Date: Friday, Sept. 13, 7:30 - 10:00 p.m.
Location: Spindletop Boomtown Museum

Boomtown Serenade, featuring musical guest Hot Grits, will take place on Friday, Sept. 13 for a night of live music, food, drinks, and local art vendors. Come early to browse and shop at local craft vendor tables. Doors open at 7:30 p.m., music starts at 8 p.m. There is a $5 entry fee, and LU students enter free.

LU Study Abroad
LU Study Abroad Fair

Date: Monday, Sept. 16, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location: Setzer Student Center, Ballroom A

Interested in going abroad and not sure what it entails? Let us help you get started. Join us at the LU Study Abroad Fair on Sept. 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Setzer Student Center Ballroom A and get your questions answered.

Coffee and Connect
Coffee & Connect

Date: Tuesday, Sept. 17, Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Location: Setzer Student Center, Live Oak Ballroom

Students of all majors are invited to meet and connect with employers in a relaxed atmosphere to build and develop their networking skills in a face-to-face environment. Appropriate attire in business casual or professional attire is required. Please have copies of your resume ready. More info can be found .

History Club
Lutcher & Stark Families: Their Involvement in Texas Lumber Lecture

Date: Tuesday, Sept. 17, 12:40 - 2:00 p.m.
Location: Archer Physics Building, Room 108

Join the LU History Club for a on the Lutcher and Stark families of Orange and their involvement in the early Texas lumber industry. The lecture will also highlight the W.H. Stark House and its collections and history.

Faculty Corner Reception
Faculty Corner Reception: Come Celebrate Faculty Scholarship

Date: Thursday, Sept. 19, 4 - 6 p.m.
Location: CICE Training Room 113 A/B

Students and faculty, join us at the Faculty Corner Reception to celebrate faculty scholarship, network, and enjoy a round of Human Bingo. Don’t miss out on this chance to unwind and socialize. See you there.

Dumb Show
LUTD Presents "Dumb Show"

Date: Thursday, Sept. 19 - Sunday, Sept. 22
Location: 海角社区 Studio Theatre

Barry's moment of fame is long past, and his career depends on humor. When bankers John and Jane visit after his show, Barry expects VIP treatment. Instead, he’s pressured to reveal his true self. What unfolds is a tense game of power and manipulation, revealing unexpected surprises. Tickets can be purchased .

Crotchet Club
Crochet 101: Learn the Basics of Crochet Workshop

Date: Friday, Sept. 20, 3:30 p.m.
Location: Archer Physics Building, Room 201

the Crochet and Knit Club for a workshop for those who want to learn how to crochet. In the workshop, we will teach you the basic stitches in crochet.

LU Center for Resiliency to Host Another Brown Bag Lecture

Date: Thursday, Sept. 26, 12:40 - 2:00 p.m.
Location: Cherry Building (Signature Center Suites, Room 105) or via

Join us for the first lecture of the LU Center for Resiliency's "Clusters" series. Speakers include: Dr. S. Wang and student Arjun Shrestha, and Angela Clavijo with Stephan Malick and Karen Roebuck. Topics will include: 2024 Summer Camps, MIND- mental health intervention and diversion, disaster perspectives through immigration/cultural themes, and general storytelling.

Digital Ticket
2024 Digital Ticket Learning Technologies Conference

Date: Friday, Oct. 25, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Location: LU Setzer Student Center

Free online registration is now open for the 2024 Digital Ticket Conference. Registered attendees will attend sessions centered on digital learning and the latest in educational technology. Registration includes lunch and coffee/snacks between sessions. Session proposals will be accepted through August 31.

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Weekly Calendar 9-9
LU Athletics Weekly Calendar

Come join us this week for . Don't forget that you can also watch the LU Cardinals on the road on ESPN+. Go Big Red!

LU Moment - STARS
LU Moment: STAR Services Shines a Light on Student Needs | S7 Ep. 30

Listen in to this week's  as we sit down with Ashley Thibodeaux and Marla Singleton with Student Tutoring and Retention (STAR) Services.

Tune in to this week's episode or of the LU Moment on , or wherever you get your podcasts.

Update Your Campus Contact Information

On the evening of Monday, September 9, 2024 海角社区 conduct a test of the emergency communication system. If you do not receive the messages, we encourage you to follow the steps below:

-Navigate directly to the  9 Personal Information section at lamar.edu/updateinfo
-Log in with your LEA username and password (same login for LU Email).
-Review your contact details for accuracy.
-To receive text alerts, be sure your cell phone number is listed and labeled as “Cell Phone.” If your cell phone is listed but labeled as anything other than “Cell Phone,” you will not receive text message alerts.
-Be sure to update your Emergency Contact information as well. The Emergency Contact is someone the university would contact on your behalf in the event you experience an emergency while on campus. This contact does not receive storm updates/alerts.
-Cell phone numbers are not included in your faculty/staff campus directory profile. You can adjust the information that is displayed in the directory by clicking on “Directory Profile” at the bottom of the page.

海角社区 uses your contact information from your Self-Service Banner account to keep you informed with important updates. Follow these steps to update your personal information and to make sure you receive important messages.

海角社区 Study Zones Across Campus

During the Mary & John Gray Library's construction, alternative study zones have been identified for Fall 2024. If you have questions or suggestions about study spaces on campus, please email studentsuccess@lamar.edu.

海角社区 IT Customer Satisfaction Surveys

To better serve the campus, 海角社区 Information Technology is introducing a new customer satisfaction survey. IT tickets will be randomly selected to receive a short email survey consisting of six questions and an option to include comments. Feedback is greatly appreciated in a continuous effort to provide the highest level of services for all technology needs across 海角社区.

If you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact the Service Desk at (409) 880-2222 or email servicedesk@lamar.edu.

From the Ground Up
Library Begins Major Renovations This Fall

We’re excited to start the journey to enhancing your research experience. During the first phase, only the 1st & 2nd floors are open; study rooms are unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience. Need help? Visit the Circulation Desk.

New 海角社区 Reporting Webpage

海角社区's Reporting Webpage provides a convenient reporting tool for community members to share information directly with the university. This tool is designed to address concerns in a safe, timely, and supportive manner and to connect individuals with the necessary resources. The webpage was created to provide easy access to various reporting forms, including the new and improved incident reporting (LU CARE Report) and student grievance (General Questions & Concerns) forms, enhancing support for self-advocacy and streamlining the university awareness process.

More information can be found . 

Hearing Evaluations
Lamar Audiology Clinic Open for Fall

The LU Speech and Hearing Clinic offers audiology services as a benefit of employment to employees, their insurance-covered dependents, or to currently enrolled students, with no out-of-pocket expenses. We also work with Vocational Rehabilitation for technology assistance. Call (409) 880-8171 for more information.

2025-2026 Scholarship Applications Now Open

The 25-26 scholarship applications are now open and available to all LU students. Each scholarship opportunity at 海角社区 requires a scholarship application on file to be eligible, so be sure to complete those to be considered for awards. Click here for more information.

Write On
LU Writing Center is Moving

Open date: Tuesday, Sept. 3, 8 a.m.

The LU Writing Center is moving to the Maes building on campus. During library renovations, we'll temporarily share space with the Language Lab in Maes Room 113. You can still book appointments at lamar.edu/writingcenter, and we open for Fall 2024 on September 3. Write on!

JoAnne Gay Dishman School of Nursing BSN Spring 2025 Application Deadline Extended

Deadline: Sunday, Sept. 15, 11:59 p.m.

The deadline for students to apply for Spring 2025 admission to the BSN program has been extended through September 15, 2024. Please review the application instructions posted at the link before completing the application.

Legislative Internship
Be a Texas Legislative Intern Next Spring

Deadline to apply: Sunday, Sept. 15, 11:59 p.m.

Juniors and Seniors - we have an amazing opportunity for you. Become a Texas Legislative Intern next Spring. This opportunity is especially great for those interested in pursuing a career in public service. Apply by Sunday, Sept. 15 at or email your applications to honors@lamar.edu.

Get Publicity

Have something to share?  (e.g., events, publications, faculty research, awards, departmental congratulations, grants, etc.) and the Office of Marketing Communications will get the word out through emails, web, social media and more. 

All approved announcements must be received by Thursday at 3 p.m. to be included in the following week's campus update.

LU News, September 2 - September 9

LU Moment: Beyond the Podcast with STAR Services

Clarence Brown Scholarship established

海角社区 dining hall reopens after major renovations

LU SASE chapter earns national recognition with 2024 Inspire Award

Get Social! Stay Connected to LU.

See For Yourself
4400 MLK Blvd., PO Box 10009, Beaumont, Texas 77710