
November 19, 2019

Tuesday, 11/19/2019
Reaud #312
Submitted By:
Carol Lindsey

November 19, 2019
Wayne Reaud Bldg. #312, 2:00 pm


Attendees:  James Marquart, Arne Almquist, Paul Bernazzani, Brian Craig, Dan French, Derina Holtzhausen, Lynn Maurer, Brenda Nichols, Joe Nordgren, and Bob Spina.

Dr. Jerry Lin was introduced to the Council as the new Associate Provost for the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.  He was unable to stay but will begin attending the Dean’s Councils going forward.


I. Approval of Dean’s Council Minutes dated October 8, 2019

The minutes of the Academic Dean meeting, dated October 8, 2019, were approved as written.


II. GUEST : Theresa Hefner-Babb

     RE :  Review of Core Curriculum  

Core curriculum is to be reviewed every five years.  Theresa has been meeting individually with deans.  Together they are looking at current courses in the core and asking if the colleges want to keep what’s there, make additions, etc.  Foreign languages will be moved out of Communications and will become advanced intermediate courses.  Recommendations by the colleges, including any proposals for next year, are due by December 9th. The Core Curriculum Undergraduate Council will meet in January to discuss the recommendations.

The core assessment report will be submitted in December.  The Assessment Committee has to do with processes, while the Core Curriculum Committee has to do with the courses themselves.  


III. Dean Updates on P/T

Each college dean gave an update on where his/her college was currently in the Promotion and Tenure process.  Dean letters are due to the Provost on December 9, 2019.


IV. Endowed Chair Review Reports – Update

Filled and/or unfilled Endowed Chair positions were discussed.  Deans gave updates for how many they have and which reviews have been done.  This information is to be submitted either to Dr. Nichols or Dr. Nordgren.  


V. Accreditation Reports

As a reminder, before accreditation reports go out, make sure somebody reviews them carefully.  The report should then be sent to the SACS office before submission.


VI. Other

Brian Craig

The Mid Stream symposium is this week on Thursday, November 21st with approximately 200 registrations.

Derina Holtzhausen  

  1. Cardinal Communities – Questions were raised about the funding and continuation of Cardinal Communities. One stated he heard the departments would now have to fund them going forward; another stated she heard changes were coming but did not know specifics. It was suggested Rachel Hoover be invited to the next Dean’s Council to clarify any changes.  
  2. Interdisciplinary Degree Courses – Department Chairs in the College of Fine Arts and Communication are requesting that if their courses are being used toward an Interdisciplinary Degree in other colleges, that as a courtesy, they be notified in advance.
  3. Temple Grandon has been selected as the college’s speaker at the Academic Lecture Series, tentatively scheduled for February 25, 2020.
  4. The CoFAC Colloquium held in November was a unique collaboration between the Departments of Music and Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. The concept they came up with offers a unique opportunity for future collaboration.
  5. A request was made for clear indicators to be given out of how the performance of all academic deans is measured by the Provost.

Arne Almquist

  1. Extended hours of operation for finals has begun. The Library will be open until 2:00am through the end of finals.
  2. The Library is getting ready to teach an experimental 3 credit hour class in partnership with the Honors College.

Paul Bernazzani

  1. Preparations continue for spring 2020 classes in the Science and Technology building.
  2. There were over 200 students from Port-Neches Groves middle school on campus today touring the new building, as well as several departments such as Biology and Chemistry.

Joe Nordgren

The David Beck Fellowship ceremony is next Monday, November 25th at 1:00pm. Everyone is encouraged to attend.

Dan French

  1. The College of Business Board of Advisors held a meeting on Monday, which included five new members.
  2. The COB Hall of Fame award presentation has been postponed until spring.

Bob Spina

Dean Spina shared an email that he had received regarding retirement benefits for superintendents, teacher educators, and others in the K-12 environment.  

Lynn Maurer  

  1. The department of Computer Science passed their ABET accreditation.
  2. Dean Maurer and Associate Dean Rebecca Boone recently attended the annual meeting of the Council of Colleges of Arts & Sciences in Atlanta, Georgia.
  3. Updates given on department chair reviews and tenure & promotion for the College of A&S.

Brenda Nichols

As a follow up to the earlier discussion regarding accreditations, in addition to sending reports to the SACS office, copies of any accreditation letters received back should be sent to both the SACS office and the Provost office.  

Jim Marquart

There is a Faculty Senate Open Forum tomorrow with Dr. Evans.  Everyone was encouraged to attend.


 VII. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 3:00pm