Graduate Council
November 20, 2019
Approval of Minutes
College of Arts & Sciences
Earth & Space Science – new graduate certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Course Additions: GEOL 5312 Advanced GIS and GEOL 5313 Research Project, effective Fall 2019
Sociology, Social Work & Criminal Justice –Requesting change to Grade Replacement/Course Repetition Policy: department wishes to limit grade replacement to one-time only, effective Fall 2020.
College of Fine Arts & Communication
Deaf Studies & Deaf Education – new M.A. in Deaf Studies
Course Additions: DSDE 5346 Comparative Cultural Analysis and DSDE 5360 Capstone in Deaf Studies
College of Engineering
Industrial Engineering – Course Addition: INEN 5380 Project Management, effective Fall 2020 for M.E., M.E.S., M.E.M. and D.E. programs.
Dr. Lin has been named Associate Provost for Research & Sponsored Programs. The College of Engineering will select a replacement.
Graduate Faculty review – the review committee was unable to meet as scheduled and is currently hoping to meet in the first or second week of December. Once their results are received, Dr. Harn will conduct voting with the Graduate Council via email, with the goal of obtaining approval and posting the results to the web before start of the Spring 2020 term.
Dr. Lin asked a question regarding graduate faculty members that leave their position with the University but are later asked to be on a grad student’s committee and how this affects their graduate faculty status. Dr. Harn explained that if their status has not yet expired, then it would still be considered active. Otherwise, a G4 requesting Special membership would need to be submitted prior to the committee appointment