
November 18, 2020

Wednesday, 11/18/2020
Meeting via Microsoft Teams
Submitted By:
C Cox

Graduate Council
Minutes #460
November 18, 2020  12:30 pm
Meeting via Microsoft Teams


Attending:  Brett Welch, Theresa Hefner-Babb, Jerry Lin, Carly Cox, Joe Kruger, Xiangchang Li, Awais Saleem, Jeff Forret, Jeff Dyson, Dorothy Sisk

Guests: Natalie Tindall, Qingjiang Yao, Jill Killough, Jenny Zhou, Selahattin Sayil


Approval of Minutes

#459 – October 21, 2020

Move to accept: Sisk, Second: Saleem, Approved


Old Business

-Approval of Graduate Council bylaws: tabled last meeting due to insufficient time for council review.  Not all council members have reviewed bylaw revisions at this time. 

-Discussion/approval of stacked course review process:  Not all members have reviewed this yet.  Will table for today.  Requested email comments from council members.

-Discussion/review of Graduate Faculty applications:  FAC and CoE have not completed review, all others are complete.  Will need to complete missing portions and then finalize in December.


New Business


College of Education & Human Development


Nutrition, Hospitality & Human Services:  Dr. Killough attending to discuss “credit by experience” proposal for students with Registered Dietician (RD)/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) credentials

Jill Killough:  need to design form for communicating with Records

Moved to accept:  Sisk, Second:  Welch, Approved


College of Engineering


College-wide:  submitting a memo regarding the application of credits from a master’s degree toward a D.E. or Ph.D.  Zhou attended to speak on this item regarding the application of credits from one master’s degree toward one doctoral degree.  Request is to transfer up to 6 credits from master’s to doctoral with the approval of the dept chair and college dean.  CoE department chairs approve of this idea.  This is current practice but no official policy in place.  This helps to encourage students to return and complete another degree with Lamar.  Zhou states it is similar to their 4+1 program for undergrads.  In D.E. program, 27 hours of coursework is required.  This would allow CoE to lower that requirement.  Credit hour transfers currently apply at the same level.  Committee needs to decide if we will allow 5000 level credits to apply for 6000 level credits.  Kruger: are only 6000 level courses currently in the doctoral program or are there at least 2 5000 level courses in place already?  There are already some 5000 level courses in the doctoral level program per Li in addition to the 6000 level courses.  Both are counted toward the degree requirements.  Students taking 5000 level courses to apply toward doctoral degree need to potentially have additional, more rigorous assignments to show clear differentiation for accreditation purposes per Hefner-Babb.  Lin: need to have more detailed discussion with assessment office.  Asks council members provide short paragraph with their opinions and we will combine this and make a decision on the proposal in December meeting.  If we allow this for CoE, will we allow outside master’s transfer credit hours to be applied to doc level programs?  This proposal has not been reviewed by assessment office yet.  Forret:  asked if this decision would set precedent and yes, it would.  Hefner-Babb states that our policy needs to be consistent to avoid problems in application.  Would be best if this was a university-level discussion. 


Electrical Engineering:  requesting 4 course additions, details below.  Dr. Sayil has reviewed these courses and provided differentiation between grad and doc levels.  He described in detail the differences in these courses/levels.  Sisk asked for clarification on the comment that the doctoral level courses have more assignments.  Dr. Sayil responded that these additional assignments could not be completed without a deeper understanding of the subject matter.  He further explained that the term project or research paper/reports prompts review of existing papers and results in something similar to a conference paper.  Li comments that Dr. Sayil’s proposal is reasonable.  Kruger comments that he hasn’t had a chance to review these documents yet. He asked about notification when items are uploaded.  Will discuss this further later in the meeting.  Dr. Sayil asks that if there are further questions from the council please email him. Motion to accept: Sisk, Second: Li, Approved.

Course Addition

ELEN 6305

Low Power & Robust CMOS Design

Spring 2021

Course Addition

ELEN 5305

Low Power CMOS Design

Spring 2021

Course Addition

ELEN 6325

Advanced VLSI Design & Testing Issues

Spring 2021

Course Change

ELEN 5325

Advanced VLSI Design

Spring 2021

Course Addition

ELEN 6318

VLSI CAD Engineering

Spring 2021

Course Addition

ELEN 5318

VLSI Design & CAD Tools

Spring 2021

Course Addition

ELEN 6330

Verilog HDL Programming & Applications

Spring 2021

Course Addition

ELEN 5320

Verilog Programming

Spring 2021


Mechanical Engineering:  requesting course addition, details below.  Also requesting change to course, specifically the course description.  Li described these requests.  Moved to accept: Sisk, second: Li, Approved.

Course Addition

MEEN 5331

CFD with OpenFOAM

Spring 2021

Course Change

MEEN 5323

Adv Heat Transfer & Application

Spring 2021




College of Fine Arts & Communication


Deaf Studies & Deaf Education – requesting 4 course changes, see info below. Tabled for further review, CoFAC representative can reach out to Dr. Clark and ask for more info on why these changes are needed.

Course Change

DSDE 5326

Psychology of Deafness

Psychology & Deaf Individuals

Spring 2021

Course Change

DSDE 5310

Multiculturalism and Deafness

Multiculturalism and Deaf Individuals

Spring 2021

Course Change

DSDE 5329

Law & Deaf Education

Update to course description *see form

Spring 2021

Course Change

DSDE 5311


Classroom Application of Linguistics

Spring 2021


College of Fine Arts & Communication


Communication & Media:  Dr. Tindall and Dr. Yao attending to discuss proposed graduate program.  Program created at the request of college administration. Department had a graduate program years ago.  They have faculty qualified to teach graduate courses, and students demonstrate desire for continued graduate education.  Lin and Hefner-Babb previously reviewed this proposal.  Approval from THECB and SACS will be required.  More time to review proposal is needed to ensure the proposal is meeting THECB and SACS requirements.  Can be decided on in Dec. grad council meeting to forward for February BoR meeting.  Tindall expressed need for clarity of process and timelines for getting approval since this is not stated anywhere.  Yao: currently we propose two tracks, one project and one thesis.  For thesis students they are thinking of doing a thesis with 3 credit hours, but unsure if that’s allowable, and asks council to review that specifically. 


College of Business


Management & Info Systems:  M.S. MIS program requesting updates to catalog descriptions for 11 courses.  Changes are to description only, not titles.  These items were tabled in Oct because David Short requested these be submitted on the correct forms.  They have now been submitted on the forms.  Motion to accept: Saleem, Second: Forret, approved.

Course Change

BUAL 5380

Managerial Decision Making

Spring 2021

Course Change

MGMT 5370

Supply Chain Management

Spring 2021

Course Change

MISY 5300

Database Management Systems

Spring 2021

Course Change

MISY 5315

Intro to Prog for Busi Sols

Spring 2021

Course Change

MISY 5325

Cybersecurity Management

Spring 2021

Course Change

MISY 5330

Healthcare Systems Info

Spring 2021

Course Change

MISY 5340

ERP Overview

Spring 2021

Course Change

MISY 5350


Spring 2021

Course Change

MISY 5360

Business Intelligence

Spring 2021

Course Change

MISY 5370

Data Mining and Predictive Ana

Spring 2021

Course Change

MISY 5380

Enterprise Systems/CRM

Spring 2021




-discuss allowing additional representative from academic colleges to sit in graduate council meetings (non voting):  CoA&S would like their associate dean to sit in on our meetings as an observer without voting privilege.  Sisk: comments that this would open the door to other similar requests.  Forret: was there an issue that prompted this request?  Lin: No, but CoA&S would like to be more informed on council matters.  Sisk:  this is the responsibility of the college representative on the committee.  Hefner-Babb:  this group is meant to be a faculty-led.  Lin: will bring this up at next dean’s meeting.  Motion to deny request: Sisk, Second: Saleem, motion approved, request denied.


-representation of graduate council members from colleges based on number of graduate students per college: There was a question about the level of college representation related to graduate student numbers.  Would the committee support changes to the level of representation based on number of graduate students?  Sisk: faculty senate works this way and she thinks this is a good idea. Final decision not reached today but council members asked to think about it for further discussion.


-discuss the transferring in of expired (greater than six or ten years old) courses for credit:  assessment office suggests looking into “best practices” at other institutions and tabling for further discussion later


-review revised Graduate Studies scholarship policy … by degree credit hours


Lin: requesting Dec. 16th meeting to wrap up older business, no disagreement though Dyson may not be able to attend.

Motion to adjourn: Sisk, Second: Dyson, approved.


Cc 11.18.2020