Graduate Council
Minutes #483
October 19, 2022
Attending: Jerry Lin, Carly Cox, Debbie Troxclair, Jeff Forret, Theresa Hefner-Babb, Awais Saleem
Approval of Minutes
#482 – September 21, 2022
Motion to accept: Forret, Second: Troxclair
Old Business
College of Fine Arts & Communication
Deaf Studies & Deaf Education – proposing to 1) change to existing degree program title; current title is Master of Science in Deaf Studies Deaf Education, proposed new title is Master of Science in Deaf Education. Deaf Studies is under an MA in the same department since August 2021. 2) requesting the MS Deaf Education be moved to asynchronous online delivery, hours required for degree would be 33 hours for students already having Deaf Education certification and 36 hours for those that need certification. 3) course additions and changes as described below:
Course Change |
DSDE 5318 |
Changing title to “Bilingual Theories” |
MS Deaf Education |
Course Change |
DSDE 5319 |
Changing title to “Literacy” |
MS Deaf Education |
Course Change |
DSDE 5322 |
Changing title to “STEM” |
MS Deaf Education |
Course Change |
DSDE 5326 |
Changing title to “Educational Psychology” |
MS Deaf Education |
Course Addition |
DSDE 5311 |
ASL Linguistics |
MA Deaf Studies |
Course Addition |
DSDE 5330 |
Deaf Immigrants |
MS Deaf Education |
Course Addition |
DSDE 5331 |
Deaf Education |
MS Deaf Education |
Course Addition |
DSDE 5332 |
Behavioral Management |
MS Deaf Education |
Course Addition |
DSDE 5333 |
21st Century Deaf Education |
MS Deaf Education |
Course Addition |
DSDE 5360 |
Capstone Seminar |
MA Deaf Studies |
Council reviewed syllabi and found a mix of both higher and lower level descriptions of rigor, and some inconsistencies in use of higher-level Bloom’s taxonomy across the syllabi. Dr. Saleem will communicate this to DSDE and CoFAC curriculum committee. Once revisions are made, Grad Council can hold voting on these items via email so that the courses are not delayed further and can be placed on the February 2023 Board of Regents agenda.
New Business
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering – proposing three doctoral and two master’s courses for Mechanical Engineering graduate programs, see below for details
Course Prefix & Number |
Course Title |
Degree(s) Impacted |
Effective Semester |
MEEN 5341 |
Modeling of Supercritical Flui |
MS |
Summer 2023 |
MEEN 5342 |
Mechanism Design & Analysis |
MS |
Summer 2023 |
MEEN 6332 |
Adv. Topics in Computer. Fluids |
DE |
Summer 2023 |
MEEN 6315 |
Adv. Eng. Mathematics |
DE |
Summer 2023 |
MEEN 6312 |
Adv. Topics in Thermal Fluids |
DE |
Summer 2023 |
Industrial Engineering – proposing several new courses and course changes, see below for details
Change or Addition |
Course Prefix & Number |
Course Title |
Degree(s) Impacted |
Effective Semester |
Addition |
INEN 6305 |
Engineering Reliability |
DE |
Spring 2023 |
Change |
INEN 6325 |
Technology Entrepreneurship |
DE |
Spring 2023 |
Change |
INEN 6328 |
User Interface |
DE |
Spring 2023 |
Addition |
INEN 6331 |
Stochastic Modeling |
DE |
Spring 2023 |
Change |
INEN 6353 |
Manufacturing Analysis |
DE |
Spring 2023 |
Addition |
INEN 6360 |
Heuristic Algorithms |
DE |
Spring 2023 |
Addition |
INEN 6361 |
Supply Chain Modeling |
DE |
Spring 2023 |
Addition |
INEN 6374 |
Human Factors Engineering |
DE |
Spring 2023 |
Addition |
INEN 6380 |
Engineering Project Management |
DE |
Spring 2023 |
Addition |
INEN 5340 |
Programming for IE |
Spring 2023 |
Electrical Engineering – proposing two course additions: ELEN 5303 Python Programming and ELEN 6303 Advanced Python Programming.
Council reviewed all Engineering items and found appropriate description of rigor but some small edits are still needed. Dr. Hefner-Babb will review these further.
Annual Graduate Faculty review – currently collecting applications, deadline is October 1st, plan to begin review at October meeting and conclude before start of spring 2023 semester. Need to discuss appointment term expirations. Currently set at 5 years for full members and 1 year for special. Do we want to set this year’s approvals to expire in 2025 (4-year appointment) so that we can move toward completing the bulk of our review of full-time faculty to once every five years, or continue to do annual reviews?
Previous Discussion: the large number of faculty in CoA&S would make for a very lengthy review in that college. Will discuss further at October meeting.
Today’s discussion: the large amount of CoA&S faculty that would need to be reviewed every 5 years would make that process very cumbersome; the relatively large amount of CoEHD adjunct faculty needing yearly review prohibits us from eliminating an annual review entirely. It was agreed to maintain the current procedures.