
January 9, 2023

Monday, 01/09/2023
Science and Technology Building room 275
Submitted By:
C Legendre

Research Council Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2023, at 1:00 PM
Science and Technology Bldg Rm 275

Attendees: Jerry Lin, Maryam Hamidi, Matt Hoch, Alyse Jordan, Mamta Singh, and Amy Smith
Not in attendance: Agim Kukeli and Kurt Dyrhaug

Meeting called to order at 1:00 pm, by Dr. Jerry Lin

I. Planning of Spring 2023
a. Research council committee to be more involved in undergraduate research program
and the McNair Scholars program. Both represent opportunities for students to obtain
research experience, particularly for underprivileged students.
b. Provide guidance for capturing time & effort contribution of faculty for reporting
research expenditures
c. Review the internal competition grants that can lead to future external grants

II. Reorganization of ORSPA and extended grant management services
a. ORSPA has been requested to oversee the O.U.R. and the Mc Nair Scholarship Programs
b. O.U.R. program will be further advanced through

i. Engagement in national programs in open and transparent forums
ii. Enhancement of visibility to external institutions
iii. Utilization of internal funding resource to captured external grants (i.e., NSF
REU and RUI grants)
iv. No major changes for this semester but will develop a process to grow

c. Director of Grant Management has been positioned to serve PIs in sponsored program

III. Dr. Cristian Bahrim will be invited to brief Research Council regarding the Recommendation
of Undergraduate Research Student Representative to TX Capitol for Undergraduate
Research Day (4/11/2023)

IV. Roundtable
a. Need assistance for defining faculty’s research workload and commitment
b. Annual planning for upcoming research events

Next meeting is February 6, 2023, at 12:45 pm

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm, by Jerry Lin