
November 18, 2024

Monday, 11/18/2024
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Shelly Traxler

Will update with official minutes upon receipt.

The University Curriculum Committee 

Meeting Agenda 

Date: Monday, November 18, 2024 

Time: 3:30pm 

Place: Reaud 202 

Call to Order  

Approval of October Minutes  

New Business: Policy changes  

Order of Curriculum to be reviewed:  



  1. BS Accounting Curricular changes - Passed 


  1. Curriculum changes to the B.S. in Construction Management – Tabled will have email vote in December. 


Policy updates approved.

2.1.1. Elected Members. Each college and the Library shall have one representative per 25 full-time faculty members (rounded up with a cap of six). All faculty positions are elected by and from the full-time faculty within the college or appointed by the Faculty Senate. Election to serve is for three academic years, and terms are staggered to ensure continuity. The spring semester faculty roster determines the composition for the next academic year.  

2.1.2. The Officer positions are 1. Council Chair, 2. Council Vice-Chair, 3. Council Secretary and are chosen by election by simple majority of Council voting members. The UCC’s officers will serve for the period of 3 years unless an officer loses re-election or decides to vacate their position. In such a case officer election(s) must be held to replace the former officer at the next Council meeting. 

2.1.3. Appointed Members. The Faculty Senate (voting member), the Council of Instructional Departments (ex officio), and the Student Government Association (ex officio) each appoint one representative annually. Only faculty members may have a vote on Council affairs.