
September 13, 2021

Monday, 09/13/2021
Submitted By:
Alicen Flosi

LU Sustainability Committee

September 13, 2021 - TEAMS



Alicen Flosi, Dimples Jones, Christine Osborne, Marc Paine, Jennifer Ravey, Gevorg Sargsyan, Bert Wagner


  • Recycling – Thanks to PepsiCo and Replenysh, recycling is back. We will have one drop-ff day per month.  Volunteers will help and PepsiCo and Replenysh will transport the materials for recycling, maintain the records, and maintain a website.  The scheduled dates are:  9/18, 10/9, 11/6, and 12/4.  We will start with 9:00 – noon and see how that works. 
  • SGA Petition from Earth Day – Seventy-six people signed the petition [attached at the end of the miutes]. We will have it available again on Earth Day 2022. The software allows sorting by date so that we can keep track of when people sign.  
  • ExxonMobil - ExxonMobil would like to partner with LU on a sustainability initiative.  They have already offered to bring drinks for the volunteers on Saturday.  Alicen will send the committee the latest draft of the sustainability plan and we can see if there are project in the plan that are feasible.  Nakisha Burns from ExxonMobil will be invited to future meetings. 
  • LU Green Squad Events – Christine the LU Green Squad President reported on the following semester events: garden workdays – 10/23 and 11/6 – and campus clean up day – 10/8 and 11/12.  The committee will help advertise and volunteer at the events when possible.  We appreciate all of the help the Green Squad gives Lamar. 

 Meeting adjourned.