
Student Tutoring and Retention Services (STARS)

Welcome to 海角社区's Student Tutoring And Retention (STAR) Services. We invite you to explore our website and learn more about our programs and the people who are working every day to improve student experiences and student success at 海角社区. Feel free to call us at (409) 880-7201 or stop by our office in the Communication Building, Suite 109, to meet us!

STAR Services: 

STAR Services strives to provide quality services and continually improve. We want to hear from you, so please take a moment to fill out the Feedback Form

Success Ambassadors
We offer a variety of engaging presentations provided by trained staff that are designed to help students succeed academically at 海角社区. Faculty, staff and students can request Success Ambassadors to present to their class, student organization, and department. 

Questions? Contact Us at stars@lamar.edu.