
Violations and Conduct Offenses

Conduct Offenses

Student organizations are responsible for conducting their affairs in a manner that reflects favorably upon themselves and the university. Such responsibilities include:

  • Compliance with university regulations, policies and/or procedures except for those offenses listed below, will be reported to and adjudicated by the Vice President of Student Engagement;
  • Taking reasonable steps, as an organization, to prevent violations of law or university regulations by its members; and
  • A willingness to deal individually with those members of the organization whose behavior reflects unfavorably upon the organization or upon the university.
  • Failure to accept the responsibilities of organization membership may subject the organization to permanent or temporary withdrawal of university recognition and/or support, social probation, denial of use of university facilities, or other appropriate action.
  • The Coordinator has responsibility for initiating and expanding disciplinary action in any group offense cases.
  • A student may also be disciplined for a violation under the Student Code of Conduct even though the organization of which they are a member is penalized for the same violation growing out of the same factual situation.
  • Judicial and appeal procedures are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

Administrative Offenses

When the Coordinator for Student Engagement receives information that an organization has allegedly violated a University rule or regulation, they shall investigate. The Coordinator for Student Engagement may then dismiss the allegation, requiring no further action, or conduct a meeting with the student organization and their advisor to obtain more information about the allegations. An organization violates a university regulation or administrative rule when:

  • One or more of its officers or authorized members acting in the scope of his/her general responsibilities commits the violation.
  • One or more of its members commits the violation after the action that constitutes the violation was approved by a majority vote of those members of the organization present and voting.
  • One or more members of a committee of the organization commits the violation while acting in the scope of the committee's assignment; or
  • A majority of the members of an organization commit the violation.


General Sanctions

When, after the meeting, the Coordinator finds that an organization has violated a University rule or regulation, they may make their recommendation for sanction to the Executive Director. The Executive Director may choose to penalize the student organization by one or more of the following actions, including but not limited to:

  • Suspend for not more than one calendar year the organization's right to do one or more of the following, including but not limited to:
    • publicly post signs.
    • publicly assemble or demonstrate.
    • sponsor or present a public performance.
    • publicly raise funds or make a solicitation.
    • reserve the use of university facilities.
    • participate in intramural athletics.
    • engage in recruitment of members (fraternity and sororities will be referred to Greek Life office); or
    • apply for co-sponsorship funding.
    • Suspend for not more than one calendar year the organization's recognition: or
    • Cancel the organization's recognition for not less than one calendar year.

Fiscal Sanctions

Any alleged acts of financial irresponsibility must be reported to Student Organization Services. The following actions can be taken against the President, Treasurer or student organization that demonstrates fiscal irresponsibility:

  • The Coordinator for Student Engagement, or designee, can relieve the President, Treasurer, or Advisor of financial authority/privileges.
  • The Coordinator for Student Engagement, or designee, can temporarily freeze the student organization account.
  • The Coordinator for Student Engagement, or designee, with support from the Associate Director for Programming and Events can request a permanent freezing of the student organization account.

Violations of these policies and laws described herein by an employee or student are grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion in accordance with applicable University and the Texas State University System policies and regulations. Such disciplinary actions also may include reprimand or suspension.

Disciplinary action by the University does not preclude the possibility of criminal charges against a student or employee by the University. Specific sanctions for faculty, administration, staff and students are under the jurisdiction of the following:

  • For faculty: The Office of Academic Affairs.
  • For administrators and staff: The Office of Human Resources; and
  • For students: The Vice President of Student Engagement. Student organizations may be sanctioned for violation of these policies and laws. Sanctions may range from written reprimand to revocation of recognition as a student organization.


If a student organization believes these procedures were not followed it may choose to appeal to the Vice President of Student Engagement. All appeals must be submitted within five class days from the date of notification to the Vice President of Student Engagement. The letter of appeal must provide a clear explanation of how this process was not followed or their disagreement with the severity of the sanction.