
Sociology Courses

Course Offerings and Descriptions

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Sociology (SOCI)

Course Number: 1301
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Introduction to Sociology

Course Description:
An overview of major subjects in sociology, including sociological perspective, culture, social interaction, social stratification, gender, race and ethnicity, social groups, organizations, family, religion, population, urbanization and social changes.

Course Number: 1306
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Social Problems

Course Description:
This course applies sociological principles to the numerous explanations of and potential solutions to contemporary social problems. The course seeks to develop critical thinking skills in addressing social concerns ranging from drug addiction and violence to inequalities of class, race, and gender.

Course Number: 2301
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Marriage and Family

Course Description:
This class critically examines traditional and contemporary families including controversies regarding single-parent families, alternative lifestyles, working women, reproductive rights, father's rights, and their public policy implications.

Course Number: 3306
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Race & Ethnic Relations

Course Description:
Examines the impact of race and ethnicity upon the distribution of power, opportunity and privilege in a global world. Major theoretical perspectives on racial and ethnic prejudice and discrimination will be examined along with diverse patterns of interracial and interethnic contact, which develop in different societies.

Course Number: 3310
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Sociology of Gender

Course Description:
From a social constructionist view of gender, this course examines the ways in which masculinity and femininity are constructed in Western society as well as the different forms it takes around the world.

Course Number: 3311
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Medical Sociology

Course Description:
Study of the social and demographic influences on health and disease, social epidemiology, health care professions, alternative medicine, the US health care system and crisis, and health care systems in other societies.

Course Number: 3315
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Single Women in the US

Course Description:
This course will explore single women population in the US from historical and cultural perspectives. How have changes in the culture of love, romance and in the institution of marriage affected single women will be discussed.

Course Number: 3326
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Social Psychology and Human Interaction

Course Description:
The objective of this course is to provide theory and research to the student to examine human interaction within social relationships at the advanced level. Topics include socialization, communication, group dynamics, altruism.

Course Number: 3330
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Urban Sociology

Course Description:
Study of city growth and urbanization in the United States and the world, the urban ecological structure and process, urban sprawl, education, crime, transportation and various urban problems.

Course Number: 3340
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Sociology of Sexuality

Course Description:
Investigates sociological explanations of human sexuality using a gender constructionist framework. Trends in sexual attitudes will be explored, along with issues of sexual expression/desire, gender socialization, sexual aggression and sexual diversity.

Course Number: 3355
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Global Social Trend

Course Description:
This course will discuss a wide range of topics from theoretical questions of what is culture and examinations of postmodern culture to specific examples such as tabloid talk shows' discussions of sex.

Course Number: 3365
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Social Stratification

Course Description:
Theory and research that examines historical and current patterns of social inequality, class, differentiation and mobility. Power, status and socioeconomic variations among groups and populations are explored.

Course Number: 3375
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Deviant Behavior

Course Description:
The objective of this course is to enable the student to examine deviance with a broader perspective and understanding. Theories of deviance, types of deviance, and the inequality inherent in the imposition of the deviant label.

Course Number: 3380
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Criminology

Course Description:
Nature and significance of criminality; significance of race, ethnicity and gender on arrest statistics, perceptions, and public knowledge of crime; etiology of illegal behavior; trends in social reactions to crime and criminals; evolution of biological, psychological, and sociological theories of criminal behavior.

Course Number: 3390
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Juvenile Delinquency

Course Description:
An overview of the criminological theories regarding juvenile offending and the juvenile justice system. Attention is given to the history, development, and roles of theoretical positions and practices in the areas of juvenile delinquency.

Course Number: 4300
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Seminar in Sociology

Course Description:
Focuses on a selected topic of contemporary concern and significance in sociology. May be repeated for credit when topic varies.

Course Number: 4301
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Directed Studies in Sociology

Course Description:
Individual study with a faculty member in a subject area of mutual interest. May be repeated for credit when the subject varies.

Course Number: 4310
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Population Problems

Course Description:
Introduction to theories, concepts, and issues of population study, with emphasis on trends, compositions, and implications of social problems.

Course Number: 4320
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Sociology of Education

Course Description:
Multicultural influences on the school system and the democratic society will be examined in this course. The course will use sociological analysis to address the major problems in schools and education today.

Course Number: 4325
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Aging Population and Health

Course Description:
This course provides a demographic study of the human aging experience and the older population from a global and cross-cultural context. The course recognizes aging studies as providing a multidisciplinary perspective in the study of biological, psychological and social changes that occur during the life cycle. Special attention is given to the global demography of aging populations.

Course Number: 4330
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Comparative Family Studies

Course Description:
This course explores various socilogical perspectives to integrate material on race-ethnicity, gender, class and sexual orientation on contemporary diverse families. This course will focus on the family issue from comparitive point of view. Historical and cross-cultural study will be explored to understand the impact on family across culture and time.

Course Number: 4335
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Global Health Disparity

Course Description:
This course provides different perspectives on global health and stratification. Various issues on health, human rights, global public health and environment influence will be covered in the course.

Course Number: 4340
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Change & Social Movement

Course Description:
This course explores how and why ordinary people erupt into the streets and try to exert power in confrontations with elites, authorities or opponents, as well as the impact these confrontations have on the public, the media and the state. The course includes historical and cross cultural research on social movement activism, mobilization, and change.

Course Number: 4342
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Epidemiology and Global Health

Course Description:
This course focuses on a selected topic of contemporary concern and significance in social epidemiology and global health. Topics on social dominants, global inequity, working conditions and environment of health in a global setting are covered.

Course Number: 4345
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Terrorism and Political Violence

Course Description:
An examination of selected aspects and dynamics of terrorism and political violence. Identify social, cultural, historical and technological factors that escalate conflict and fuel terrorism.

Course Number: 4350
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Sociology of Religion

Course Description:
Using the conceptual tools of sociology, this course examines religious beliefs, practices, symbols, and rites, as well as formation of religious movements, sects, and institutionalization. All addressed will be how religion intersects with social class, gender, race and ethnicity. The material incorporates cross-cultural and historical studies.

Course Number: 4380
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Research Methods

Course Description:
Philosophy and methods of social research, including research design, methods of data collection, data analysis and uses other sources of social data. Qualitative and quantitative techniques of inference, analysis and research writing.

Course Number: 4385
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Social Data Analysis

Course Description:
Basic concepts and statistical techniques for applied social research. Introduction to use of SPSS statistical software to data entry and statistical analysis, including correlation, bivariate analysis, and multivariate analysis.

Course Number: 4390
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Social Theory

Course Description:
Development of social theory from the perspectives of early thinkers, such as Comte, Spencer, Durkheim, Weber and Marx to contemporary schools of functionalism, conflict, interactionalism, feminism, exchange and postmodern theory.