
Intellectual Contributions

Dr. Kelly Weeks
Associate Professor of Management


Refereed Articles

  • Safa, P., Weeks, K. O., Safa, M., & Zlebst, P. (2020). How Digitalization and IoT Can Improve the Operations of Panama CanalI. Journal of Business, 7 (3), 140-146.
  • Safa, M., Weeks, K. O., & Pecen, R. (2020). Interdisciplinary Engineering Technology Freshman Experience: The Road to Success. Technology Interface Journal, 20 (1), 40-52.
  • Weeks, K. O., Safa, M., Kenyon, G., & Levius, S. (2020). Offshore multi-purpose platform efficacy by U.S. coastal areas. Renewable Energy.
  • Weeks, K. O., & Kenyon, G. (2020). Ship to Shore Connectivity: Trends, Opportunities, and Issues. Journal of International Business Disciplines.
  • Safa, M., & Weeks, K. O. (2019). Incorporating Blockchain Technology in Construction Management. Strategic Direction.
  • Weeks, K. O., Guiffrida, A., & Safa, M. (2018). The efficacy of routing and flexibility on financial performance within an international manufacturing setting. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 67 (2).
  • Levius, S., Safa, M., & Weeks, K. O. (2018). Information and Communication Technology Strategies to Improve International Competitiveness in the Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 20 (1), 128-138.
  • Levius, S., Safa, M., & Weeks, K. O. (2017). Research Note for use on Information and Communication Technology to Support Comprehensive Disaster Management in the Caribbean Countries. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 19 (2), 113-120.
  • Levius, S., Safa, M., & Weeks, K. O. (2017). Use of information and communication technology to support comprehensive disaster management in the Caribbean countries. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 19 (2), 102-112.
  • Weeks, K. O., Safa, M., & Dyson, J. (2017). Future Port Automation: Issues to Consider. The Journal of Ports & Terminals.
  • Weeks, K. O. (2016). EXPLORING GREEN ENERGY PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES. Business Studies Journal, 8 (2), 123-138.
  • Weeks, K. O. (2016). Agile, online supply chains. Strategic Direction, 32 (11), 35-37.
  • Weeks, K. O. & Sen, K. (2016). The Moderating Effect Satisfaction Has on Turnover Intentions and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 17 (2).
  • Weeks, K. O. (2016). Minimizing material content in Green Production through Automation. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 11 (2).
  • Weeks, K. O. (2013). An Analysis of Human Resource Information Systems Impact on Employees. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 14 (3).
  • Weeks, K. O. & Mileski, J. P. (2013). The Impact of Resource Commitment, Product Route Efficiency on Supply Chain Performance and Profitability: An Empirical Case Analysis. Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 1 (5), 105-111.
  • Weeks, K. O. (2013). Research Method Decision in a Supply Chain. International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences.
  • Weeks, K. O. (2011). Reverse Logistics Strategies As A Means to Improve Profitability. International Journal of Logistics, Economics and Globalisation.
  • Hale, T., Weeks, K. O., & Coleman, T. (2011). Time-of-Use Rate Energy Arbitrage and Carbon Footprint Reduction With Grid-Energy-Storage Systems. International Journal of Energy and Environment.

Refereed Proceedings

  • Safa, M., & Weeks, K. O. (2018). Advancing Measurement Process to Improve Inspection of Construction Heavey, Equipment Using A State-of-the-art 3D Modeling Technology. 2018 Construction Research Congress (CRC),.
  • Weeks, K. O., & Safa, M. (2017). Automation's Effect On Green Production: Does It Translate To Improved Competitiveness? INFORMS.
  • Safa, M., & Weeks, K. O. (2017). Strategic Port Human Resource Talent Acquisition and Training: Challenges and Opportunities. 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors in Ergonomics.
  • Weeks, K. O. (2016). EXPLORING GREEN ENERGY PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES. Allied Academies 2016 Summer International Conference in Toronto.
  • Weeks, K. O. (2016). Speedy Mikes Transportation. Allied Academies 2016 Summer International Conference in Toronto.
  • Weeks, K. O., Sen, K., & Mandal, P. (2015). Advancements in Technology and Potential Impacts on Port Automation Decisions. Entrepreneurship in Technology for ASEAN.

Non-Refereed Articles

  • Safa, M., Sokolova, A., Safa, P., & Weeks, K. O. (2019). Optimizing Photogrammetric Techniques for Wetlands Monitoring: Southeast Texas. Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications, 7 (1), 43-49.

Books, Monographs, Compilations, Manuals

  • Weeks, K. O. (2018). Illustrated Mythos: Norse National Educators Resource Center.
  • Weeks, K. O. (2018). Case Studies for Business (Proposed)

Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements

  • Weeks, K. O., Sen, K., & Mandal, P. (2016). Advancements in Technology and Potential Impacts on Port Automation Decisions. Entrepreneurship in Technology for ASEAN. Springer [B].
  • Weeks, K. O., Guifrida, A., & Chen, L. (2015). Improving Supply Chain Delivery Performance Using Lean Six Sigma. Lean Six Sigma Approaches in Manufacturing, Services and Production (pp. 89-117). IGI Global.

Presentation of Refereed Papers

  • Safa, P., Weeks, K. O., Zelbst, P., & Safa, M. (2020). Smart Ports in Industry 4.0: Towards future marine and port technologies opportunities and challenges. Transportation Research Boards 99th Annual, Washington, District of Columbia.
  • Weeks, K. O., Vasefi, M., & Safa, M. (2019). 50th Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute. Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Safa, P., Zelbst, P., Safa, M., & Weeks, K. O. (2019). INTELLIGENT SMART PORTS USING INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT): PANAMA CANAL CASE STUDY. American Society of Civil Engineers, Houston, Texas.
  • Safa, M. & Weeks, K. O. (2018). Advancing Measurement Process to Improve Inspection of Construction Heavey, Equipment Using A State-of-the-art 3D Modeling Technology. 2018 Construction Research Congress (CRC),, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Safa, M. & Weeks, K. O. (2017). Cultivation of Soft Skills in the Construction Industry. INFORMS, Houston, Texas.
  • Safa, M., Weeks, K. O., & Stromberg, E. (2017). A methodology for strategic port human resource management: knowledge creation and learning. 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors in Ergonomics, Los Angeles, California.
  • Weeks, K. O. & Safa, M. (2017). Automation's Effect On Green Production: Does It Translate To Improved Competitiveness? INFORMS, Houston, Texas.
  • Weeks, K. O. (2016). Speedy Transportation. Allied Academies 2016 Summer International Conference in Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
  • Weeks, K. O. (2016). EXPLORING GREEN ENERGY PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES. Allied Academies 2016 Summer International Conference in Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
  • Weeks, K. O., Sen, K., & Mandal, P. (2015). Advancements in Technology and Potential Impacts on Port Automation Decisions. Entrepreneurship in Technology for ASEAN, James Cook University, Singapore.



  • 2019: Weeks, K. O. & Vasefi, M., Strategic Port Automation & Asset Management, Principal Investigator, Center for Port Management.
  • 2013: Weeks, K. O. Supply Chain and Logistics Seminar, Principal Investigator.
  • 2013: Weeks, K. O. Maritime Administration Research Laboratory, Principal Investigator.
  • 2013: Weeks, K. O. ITMA scholarships, Co-Principal Investigator. Responsible for meeting with presidents and scholarship coordinators and fostering relationships between the International Transportation Management Association (ITMA) and TAMUG. Also helped in developing campus-affiliated organizations as well as promoting scholarship opportunities to students. The result was about 3 scholarships per year, on average, for students in the department. Scholarships averaged $1200 each.
  • 2011: Weeks, K. O. Buccee's Community Grant, Principal Investigator.

Not – Funded

  • 2021: Weeks, K. O. Midstream Implementation of Manufacturing Execution System (MES) in Oil and Gas Plants., Principal Investigator, Center for Midstream Management and Science (CMMS).
  • 2019: Weeks, K. O. Center faith-based research, Principal Investigator, Harold Simmons Foundation.
  • 2018 [Year 1 of 2]: Haslebach, L., Weeks, K. O., Jao, M., & Brake, N., Utilization and Studies of Dredge Material, Co-Principal Investigator, GOV-National Science Foundation (NSF).
  • 2017: Weeks, K. O. Development of Educational, Research, and Training Programs to Meet the Expanding Need of Industry Partners., Principal Investigator.
  • 2015: Weeks, K. O. Automation integration in manufacturing: a pre and post-implementation analysis, Principal Investigator.
  • 2010: Weeks, K. O. Economic loss minimization strategies for Texas port regions post natural disasters, Principal Investigator, Economic Development Authority.


  • 2021: Weeks, K. O. Implementation of Manufacturing Execution System (MES) in Port & Terminal Facilities, Principal Investigator, Center for Advances in Port Management (CAPM).
  • 2021: Weeks, K. O. Implementation of Manufacturing Execution System (MES), Principal Investigator, College of Business.
  • 2019: Weeks, K. O. Center faith-based studies and research, Principal Investigator, MacLellan Foundation.
  • 2019: Weeks, K. O. Center faith-based ethics and research, Principal Investigator, Lilly Endowment.
  • 2018 [Year 1 of 2]: Weeks, K. O. Economic Analysis of Petrochem Industry, Principal Investigator, U.S. Department of Commerce. Other principals from other universities were involved in this collaborative effort.
  • 2017: Safa, M. & Weeks, K. O., Strategic Port Asset Management Framework, Co-Principal Investigator.
  • 2016 [Year 1 of 5]: Weeks, K. O., Saifa, M., & Craig, B., UNIVERSITY TRANSPORTATION CENTERS PROGRAM, Co-Principal Investigator.

Other Research

  • 2020: Weeks, K. O., Seminar Journal of Operations Management.