

Connie S. Ruiz, Ph.D., RDN, LD
Associate Professor


Professional Service 1976-Present

  • Faculty senate (officer for 4 years)
  • Council of Instructional Departments (officer for 2 years)

Committee Service

  • Dean search committee – College of Education and Human Development
  • Department chair search committee – Health and Kinesiology
  • Department chair review committee – Health and Kinesiology
  • Numerous faculty search committees
  • Numerous department and college tenure/promotion committees
  • University Distinguished Faculty Lecture Committee – 13 years (chaired 2 years)
  • University Continuing Education Committee
  • University Athletic Advisory Committee
  • University Program Review Committee
  • Department Program Improvement Review Committee (co-authored report)
  • Search committee for Pedagogy Department Chair
  • Faculty Senate

Current Committee Service:

  • Department curriculum committee
  • Department tenure/promotion (personnel) committee (chair)
    • Includes 2nd and 4th year reviews for tenure track faculty
  • Currently on Faculty Senate