
Research Activities

T.C. Ho, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus

T.C. Ho, Ph.D.

Research Activities/Accomplishments

  • SETRPC, “FY16/17 Rider 7 Work Plan - Task 5: Air Quality Modeling Planning,” South East Texas Regional Planning Commission, $85,000, T. Ho (PI) with Q. Xu (Co-PI), 2/1/16- 8/15/17.
  • “Flare Minimization and Air Quality Modeling SEP”, $60,452, TCEQ-SEP Phase IV, T. Ho (PI) with Q. Xu (Co-PI), 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2016.
  • TCEQ-SEP Phase III, “Flare Speciation and Air Quality Modeling SEP”, $64,000, T. Ho (PI) with D. Chen and H. Lou (Co-PIs), 2/1/2014 – 8/31/2015.
  • SETRPC, “FY14/15 Rider 8 Work Plan - Task 4: Air Quality Modeling Planning,” South East Texas Regional Planning Commission, $70,000, T. Ho (PI) with Q. Xu (Co- PI), 06/1/14- 8/15/15.
  • “Phase II-2 Rider 8 Work Plan - Task 4: Air Quality Modeling Planning,” $80,000, SETRPC, T. Ho (PI) with Q. Chu (Co-PI), 6/1/2013 – 12/16/2013.
  • “Phase II -1Rider 8 Work Plan - Task 4: Air Quality Modeling Planning,” $70,000, SETRPC, T. Ho (PI) with Q. Chu (Co-PI), 3/15/2013 – 5/31/2013.
  • “Impact of Flaring Emissions on Regional Air Quality Associated with Chemical Plant Turnaround Operations”, $43,700, TARC, Q. Xu (PI) with T. Ho (Co-PI), 08/01/12 - 07/31/13.
  • “Flare Minimization and Air Quality Modeling SEP”, $83,150, TCEQ-SEP Phase II, T. Ho (PI) with Q. Xu (Co-PI), 6/21/2012 - 9/30/2013.
  • “Flare Speciation and Air Quality Modeling SEP”, $64,000, TCEQ-SEP Phase III , T. Ho (PI) with D. Chen and H. Lou (Co-PIs), submitted for 2/1/2014 – 1/31/2015.
  • “Flare Minimization and Air Quality Modeling SEP”, $83,150, TCEQ-SEP Phase II, T. Ho (PI) with Q. Xu (Co-PI), 6/21/2012 - 9/30/2013. 
  • “Dispersion Modeling Support for SO2 State Implementation Plan Development," $24,000, TCEQ, T. Ho (PI), 12/09/2011 – 8/31/2012.
  • “Refinements to Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model,” $75,000, TCEQ, T. Ho (PI), 6/27/2011 – 5/31/2012.
  • “Assessment of the Impact of Airborne Particulate Pollutants on the Rio Grande Basin Watershed,” $121,000, USDA through Sul Ross University, T. Ho (PI) with H. Chu, J. Lin, Q. Qin and P. Chiou (Co-PI), 7/1/2008-6/30/2012.
  • “Impact of Global Climate Change on the Precipitation and Acid Deposition in the Rio Grande River Region,” $105,000, USGA through Sul Ross University, J. Lin (PI) with T. Ho and H. Chu (Co-PI), 7/1/2008-6/30/2012.
  • “Southeast Texas Air Quality Improvement,” $110,000, TCEQ-SEP, T. Ho (PI) with H. Lou and D. Chen (Co-PI), 1/15/2011 – 6/30/2012.
  • “Safety-Considered Proactive Emission Source Reduction and Characterization for Chemical Industries,” TARC, $23,500, Q. Xu (PI) with H. Lou and T. Ho (Co-PI), 09/01/2010 - 08/31/2012.
  • “Photochemical Modeling Support,” TCEQ, $24,000, T. Ho (PI), 2/1/2011 – 11/30/2011.
  • “Fiscal Year 2010 Rider 8 Grantee Work Plan, Task 4: Air Quality Modeling Planning for FY2011,” SETRPC, $30,000, T. Ho (PI), 10/24/2010 – 12/31/2010.
  • “Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model,” TCEQ, $200,000, T. Ho (PI), 2/15/2010 – 2/28/2011.
  • “Photochemical Modeling Support,” $60,000 from TCEQ, 12/23/2009 – 12/31/2010.
  • “Assessment of the Impact of Airborne Particulate Pollutants on the Rio Grande Basin Watershed,” $56,000 from USDA (United State Department of Agriculture) through Sul Ross University, 4 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu, Lin and Chiang), 7/1/2009-6/30/2010.
  • “GOES Data Assimilation into CAMx to Improve Cloud Fields,” $70,000 from TCEQ, TCEQ grant subcontracted to University of Alabama – Huntsville, 2/1/2009 – 8/31/2009.
  • “Photochemical Modeling Support,” $73,429 from TCEQ, 2 Co-PIs (Ho and Lin), 1/7/2009 – 7/31/2009.
  • “Assessment of the Impact of Airborne Particulate Pollutants on the Rio Grande Basin Watershed,” $65,000 from USDA (United State Department of Agriculture) through Sul Ross University, 4 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu, Lin and Chiang), 7/1/2008-6/30/2009.
  • “Air Quality Modeling of TexAQS-II Episode with Data Assimilation,” $33,700 from HARC through University of Houston, 3 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu, and Lin), 8/1/2008 – 8/31/2009.
  • “State Implementation Plan (SIP) Modeling Support and the Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System Development and Training,” $75,000 from TCEQ, 4 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu, Lin, and Wang), 11/1/2007 – 8/31/2008.
  • “Top Down Emissions Verification of Petrochemical Sources in Houston,” $92,000 from TCEQ, TCEQ grant subcontracted to University of Alabama – Huntsville, 9/1/2007 – 4/30/2008.
  • “Characterization of East Texas Air Quality for the TexAQS II,” $160,108 from EPA, EPA grant subcontracted from University of Houston, 4 Co-PIs (Ho, Lin, Chu and Tadmor), 4/1/2007 – 3/30/2009.
  • “CMAQ Regional Haze Modeling and Further Modeling System Development at TCEQ,” $165,000 from TCEQ, 5 Co-PIs (Ho, Chiou, Chu, Lin, and Tadmor), 2/1/2007- 8/31/2007.
  • “Top Down Emission Verification of Petrochemical Sources,” $115,000 from TCEQ, TCEQ Grant subcontracted to University of Alabama – Huntsville, 4/12/2007 – 8/31/2007.
  • “Acquisition of a Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy System for Multi-disciplinary Research and Education,” $169,270 from NSF (National Science Foundation), 5 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu, Gossage, Lin and Tadmor), 9/1/2006- 8/31/2009.
  • “Comprehensive Chemical Transport Models of Atmospheric Mercury,” $25,000 from US EPA, 3 Co-PIs (Lin, Chu and Ho), 10/1/2006 – 9/30/2007.
  • “Assessment of the Impact of Airborne Particulate Pollutants on the Rio Grande Basin Watershed,” $65,000 from USDA (United State Department of Agriculture) through Sul Ross University, 4 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu, Fang, and Lin), 7/1/2006-6/30/2007.
  • “Study of CaSO4 Fouling and Calcium Recovery from Brine in the Reverse Osmosis Desalination of Brackish Groundwater in the Rio Grande Basin,” $45,000 from USDA through Sul Ross University, 3 Co-PIs (Lin, Chu and Ho), 7/1/2006 – 6/30/2007.
  • “Simulations of the Emission, Transport, Chemistry and Deposition of Atmospheric Mercury in the Upper Gulf Coast Region,” $150,000, 3 Co-PIs (Lin, Chu and Ho) from GCHSRC, 12/1/2003 to 5/31/2007.
  • “Development of Microwave-Enhanced Adsorption/Destruction Technology for Concerned Air Pollutants,” $150,000, 3 Co-PIs (Chu, Ho, and Lin) from GCHSRC, 12/1/2003 to 5/31/2007. 
  • “Development of Modeling and Field Measurement Infrastructure for Regional Haze Analyses,” $57,000 from TARC (Texas Air Research Center), 6 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu, Gossage, Lin and Tadmor), 12/1/2005 to 12/31/2006.
  • “Further CMAQ Deposition Schemes Comparison and System Development at TCEQ,” $165,000 from TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality), 5 Co-PIs (Ho, Chiou, Chu, Lin, and Wang), 11/07/2005-11/30/2006.
  • “Low-Cost Control of NOx, VOC and Soot from Stationary Diesel Generators Employing an Adsorptive Ceramic Filter with Microwave Regeneration,” $127,040 from TCEQ-NTRD (New Technology Research and Development), 4 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu, Kim, and Lin), 5/30/2005-11/30/2006.
  • “Collection of Hourly Emissions Data on TCEQ-Specified Pollutants from TCEQSelected Industrial Sources,” $86,500, TCEQ Grant subcontracted to URS, 5/30/2006- 11/15/2006.
  • “Acquisition of a High Sensibility GC/MS System for Multi-disciplinary Research Projects and Education,” $126,427 from NSF, 5 Co-PIs (Ho, Chen, Chu, Cocke, and Lin), 9/1/2003-8/31/2006.
  • “Point Source and Area Source Control Strategy Catalog Development for the HGB Ozone Non-attainment Area,” $49,950, TCEQ Grant subcontracted to ENVIRON, 2/8/2006-6/30/2006.
  • “Work Plan Analysis On-Call Services,” $69,828, TCEQ Grant subcontracted to Michael Baker, Inc., 9/15/2005-6/30/2006.
  • “Inter-comparison of Comprehensive Chemical Transport Models of Atmospheric Mercury,” $25,000 from US EPA, 3 Co-PIs (Lin, Chu and Ho), 4/1/2005 – 3/31/2006.
  • “Modeling of Mercury Pollutants over the Pacific Regions,” $25,000 from US EPA, 3 Co-PIs (Lin, Chu and Ho), 4/1/2005-3/31/2006.
  • “Assessment of the Impact of Airborne Particulate Pollutants on the Rio Grande Basin Watershed,” $40,000 from USDA through Sul Ross University, 3 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu and Lin), 07/01/2005 – 06/30/2006.
  • “Study of CaSO4 Fouling and Calcium Recovery from Brine in the Reverse Osmosis Desalination of Brackish Groundwater in the Rio Grande Basin,” $40,000 from USDA through Sul Ross University, 3 Co-PIs (Lin, Ho and Chu), 7/1/2005 – 6/30/2006.
  • “Development of Modeling and Field Measurement Infrastructure for Regional Haze Analyses,” $74,000 from TARC, 6 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu, Gossage, Lin, Tadmor, and Wang), 11/1/2004 – 10/31/2005.
  • “Further Development of CMAQ Model- Mercury Modeling,” $75,000 from TCEQ, 4 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu, Chiou and Lin), 12/15/2004 to 8/31/2005.
  • “CMAQ Air Quality Forecasting,” $40,000 from HARC (Houston Advanced Research Center) through University of Houston, 4 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu, Chiou and Lin), 12/15/2004 to 8/31/2005.
  • “Acquisition of a Thermal Analysis System for Multidisciplinary Research and Educational Projects,” $85,975 from NSF, 5 Co-PIs (Cocke, Chen, Ho, Li, Lumpkin), 8/1/2002 to 7/31/2005.
  • “Assessment of the Impact of Airborne Particulate Pollutants on the Rio Grande Basin Watershed,” $26,250 from USDA through Sul Ross University, 3 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu and Lin), 7/1/2004 – 6/30/2005.
  • “Characterization of Water pollution and Evaluation of Treatment Technologies including Membrane Filtration for the Polluted Water in the Rio Grande Basin,” $40,833 from USDA through Sul Ross University, 3 Co-PIs (Lin, Chu and Ho), 7/1/2004 – 6/30/2005.
  • “Acquisition of an X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for Multi-disciplinary Research Projects,” $99,875 from NSF, 5 Co-PIs (Ho, Chen, Chu, Cocke, and Lin), 9/1/2001- 8/31/2004.
  • “Acquisition of X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Systems for Interdisciplinary Materials Research,” $250,000 from NSF, PI (Cocke) and 4 Co-PIs (Allin, Ho, Li, and Lumpkin), 9/1/2001-8/31/2004.
  • “Satellite Assimilation in Meteorological and Air Quality Models for the TEXAQS2000 Study Period,” $60,500 from TCEQ and TARC, 3 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu and Lin), 9/01/2002 to 8/31/2004.
  • “Characterization of Airborne Particulate Matter in a Heavily Industrialized Community,” $132,000 from TARC, 6 Co-PIs (Ho, Chen, Chu, Cocke, Lin and Tadmor), 12/04/2002 to 12/03/2004.
  • “Development of Texas Emission Inventory Preparation System for SMOKE,” $25,000 from TARC through University of Houston, 4 Co-PIs (Ho, Chiou, Chu and Lin), 9/1/2003 to 8/31/2004.
  • “CMAQ One-Atmosphere Modeling,” $100,000 from TCEQ, 4 Co-PIs (Ho, Chiou, Chu, and Lin), 12/09/2003 to 8/31/2004.
  • “Satellite Assimilation in Meteorological and Air Quality Models for the TexAQS 2000 Study Period,” $15,000 from TCEQ, 4 Co-PIs (Ho, Chiou, Chu and Lin), 1/06/2004 to 8/31/2004. 
  • “CMAQ One Atmosphere Modeling: Mercury Deposition in Texas,” $90,000 from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 5 Co-PIs (Ho, Chiou, Chu, Lin and Tadmor), 6/1/2004 to 8/31/2004.
  • “Ammonia Nitridation,” $40,000 from Du Pont, PI (Ho), 12/15/2002 to 8/31/2004.
  • “Science Assessment of CAMx and CMAQ: I. Model Input and Algorithm Comparisons,” $86,250, TCEQ Grant subcontracted to University of Houston, 12/15/2003-8/31/2004.
  • “Towards Better Characterizations of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence in the Houston/Galveston Region: II. Model Evaluation and Improvement,” $35,751, TCEQ Grant subcontracted to University of Alabama, 3/15/2004-8/31/2004.
  • “Micrometeorological Flux Measurements in Preparation of TexAQS II,” $39,261, TCEQ Grant subcontracted to University of Houston, 6/3/2004-8/31/2004.
  • “Classification of HRVOC Emission Points in the HGB Non-attainment Area,” $100,000, TCEQ Grant subcontracted to URS, 6/1/2004-8/31/2004.
  • “Characterization of Airborne Particulate Matter in a Heavily Industrialized Community,” $73,000 from TARC, 5 Co-PIs (Ho, Chen, Chu, Cocke, and Lin), 12/04/2002 to 12/03/2003.
  • “Texas Emission Inventory Processing for SMOKE and CMAQ,” $20,000 from HARC subcontract from University of Houston, 4 Co-PIs (Ho Chu, Lin and Underdown), 12/10/2002 to 12/9/2003.
  • “Satellite Assimilation in Meteorological and Air Quality Models for the TEXAQS2000 Study Period,” $34,000 from TARC, 3 Co-PIs (Ho, Chu, and Lin), 9/1/2002 to 8/31/2003.
  • “Development of CMAQ Air Quality Modeling,” $300,000 from TCEQ and TARC, 5 Co-PIs (Ho, Chiou, Chu, Lin, and Tran), 2/27/2002 to 8/31/2003.
  • “Characterization of Ambient and Indoor Particulate Contaminants in a Heavily Industrialized Community,” $140,000 from GCHSRC, 2 Co-PIs (Ho and Chu), 9/1/2001 to 8/31/2003.
  • “Characterization of Ambient and Indoor Particulate Contaminants in a Heavily Industrialized Community,” $104,896 from GCHSRC, 2 Co-PIs (Ho and Chu), 9/1/2000 to 8/31/2002.
  • “Field and Mechanistic Studies for Texas Upper Gulf Coast Air Quality,” $220,300 from TARC, 6 Co-PIs (Ho, Chen, Chu, Cocke, Gossage, and Lin), 12/1/2000-11/30/2002. 
  • “Ammonia Nitridation,” $34,500 from Du Pont, PI (Ho), 9/1/2000 to 12/15/2002.
  • “Fundamental and Kinetic Investigation of Sorbent Technology for Optimum Mercury Emission Control,” $150,187 from GCHSRC, PI (Ho), 9/1/2000 to 8/31/2002.
  • “Identification of Emission Source and Migration Pattern of Ambient Particulate Matter,” $96,000 from THWRC (Texas Hazardous Waste Research Center), PI (Ho), 9/1/1998 to12/31/2000.
  • “Sorbent Technology for Multipollutant Control during Fluidized Bed Incineration,” $178,520 from GCHSRC, PI (Ho), 6/1/1995- 4/15/1999.
  • “Metal Emission Control during Coal Combustion,” $172,385 from US DOE (Department of Energy) through University Coal Research Program, PI (Ho), 7/1/1994- 2/28/1998.
  • “Metal Ion Removal from Waste Water,” $15,000 from Du Pont, PI (Ho), 2/1/1996 to 1/31/1997.
  • “Photocatalytic Oxidation of NOx and Recovery as Nitric Acid,” $154,320 GCHSRC, 2 Co-PIs (Chen and Ho), 6/1/1994-12/31/1997.
  • “Development of Two-Stage Fluidized Bed Thermal Treatment Technology for Improved Metal Emission Control,” $144,825 from GCHSRC, PI (Ho), 6/1/1992 - 5/31/1995.
  • “Optimization and Evaluation of Thermal Treatment Technology,” $85,007 from US DOE Office of Technology Development, PI (Ho), 7/1/1993-10/31/1994.
  • “Novel Technology for Metal Emission Control,” $82,007 from state of Texas through the 1990 Advanced Technology Program, PI (Ho), 1/1/1991-12/31/1993.