

Dr. Xinyu Liu

Dr. Xinyu Liu

Book Chapter

  • Mason, D. R., Abernathy, L. K., Abshire, S. R., Cummings, C. D., Liu, X., (2012). “Evaluation of an Online Technology Leadership Master’s Program”, In J. Tareilo and B. Bizzell (Eds.), Handbook of online instruction and programs in educational leadership (pp. 183-207). Ypsilanti, MI: NCPEA Press.

Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

  • Qin Qian, Mengjie He, frank Sun, Xinyu Liu (2024). “Monitoring and Evaluation of the Water Quality of the Lower Neches River, Texas, USA”, Water Science and Engineering, Vol 17, issue 1, pp 21-32.
  • Li, G., Li, Y., Craig, B., & Liu, X. (2022). Investigating the effect of contextual factors on driving: An experimental study. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 88, 69-80.
  • Weihang Zhu, Xuejun Fan, Nicholas Brake, Xinyu Liu, Xianchang Li, Jiang Zhou, Dorothy Sisk and Julia Yoo (2018) “Engineering Design and Manufacturing Education through Research Experience for High School Teachers”, Procedia Manufacturing, Vol 26, pp 1340-1348.
  • Xinyu Liu and Weihang Zhu (2017), “Development of a Fiber Optical Occlusion Based Non-Contact Automatic Tool Setter for a Micro-Milling Machine”, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 43, 12-17, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rcim.2016.04.002.
  • Jiang Guo, Haixiang Song, Hu Liu, Xinyu Liu, Chunjia Luo, Xin Zhang, Jie Kong, Zhanhu Guo, Yanrong Ren, Tao Ding, Mojammel Khan, D. P. Young, “Polypyrrole-interface-functionalized nano-magnetite epoxy nanocomposites as electromagnetic wave absorber with enhanced flame retardancy”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5(22), 2017.
  • Qin Qian, Xinyu Liu, Michale E. Barrett and Randall J Charbeneau (2016), “Physical Modeling on Hydraulic Performance of Rectangular Bridge Deck Drains”, Water, 8(2), 67; doi:10.3390/w8020067.
  • Xinyu Liu and Shreyas Shashidhara (2016) “Experimental Investigation of the Tool Wear in Micro-milling of Stainless Steel 316”, International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 9(2), doi: 10.1504/IJMMS.2016.076170
  • He, Qiangliang; Yuan, Ting-Ting; Zhang, Xi; Yan, Xingru; Guo, Jiang; Ding, Daowei; Khan Mojammel; Young, David, Khasanov, Airat; Luo, Zhiping; Liu Jiurong; Shen, Tom; Liu, Xinyu; Wei, Suying; and Guo, Zhanhu (2014) “Electromagnetic Field Absorbing Polypropylene nanocomposites with Tuned Permittivity and Permeability by Nano-iron and Carbon Nanotubes”, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Part C. 118 (42), pp24784-24796.
  • He, Qingliang; Yuan, Tingting; Zhang, Xi; Liu, Jingjing; Sun, Luyi; Liu, Xinyu; Wei, Suying; Guo, Zhanhu (2014) “Heavy Duty Piezoresistivity Induced Stain Sensing Natural Rubber/Carbon Black Composites Reinforced with Different Carbon Nanofillers", Materials Research Express, 1(3), 035029
  • Liu, X., (2012) “In-situ Metrology System for Micro-Milling Machine,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, , pp. 15–21.
  • Abernathy, L. K., Mason, D. Cummings, C., Stephens, L., Abshire, S. and Liu, X., (2012). “Building leadership capacity: The use of electronic portfolios and web 2.0 tools”, National Social Science Technology Journal.
  • Özel, T., and Liu, X., (2009), “Investigations on Mechanics Based Process Planning of Micro-End Milling in Machining Mold Cavities”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 24, No. 12, pp1274-1281.
  • Liu, X., and Jun, M., (2008) “Effects of Process Parameters on Surface Location Errors in Micro-endmilling,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI), v36, pp277-284.
  • Liu, X., DeVor, R. E., and Kapoor, S. G., (2007) “A model-based analysis of the surface roughness in micro-endmilling, Part I: model development,” of Manuf. Sci. and Eng., v129, pp 453-460.
  • Liu, X., DeVor, R. E., and Kapoor, S. G., (2007) “A model-based analysis of the surface roughness in micro-endmilling, Part II: experimental investigation,” of Manuf. Sci. and Eng., v129, pp 461-469.
  • Liu, X., DeVor, R. E., and Kapoor, S. G., (2006) “An analytical model for the prediction of minimum chip thickness in micro-machining,” of Manuf. Sci. and Eng., v128, pp 474-481.
  • Jun, M., Liu, X., DeVor, R. E., and Kapoor, S. G., (2006) “Investigation of the dynamics of micro-endmilling, Part 1: model development,” of Manuf. Sci. and Eng., v128, pp 893-900.
  • Liu, X., DeVor, R. E., Kapoor, S. G. and Ehmann, K. F., (2004) “The mechanics of machining at the micro-scale: assessment of the current state of the science,” of Manuf. Sci. and Eng., v126, pp. 666-678.
  • Vogler, M. P., Liu, X., Kapoor, S. G., and DeVor, R. E. (2002) "Development of meso-scale machine tool (mMT) systems," Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI), v30, pp. 653-661.
  • Reddy, R. G., Ozdoganlar, O.B., Kapoor, S. G., DeVor, R.E., and Liu, X., (2002) “A stability solution for the axial contour-turning process”, of Manuf. Sci. and Eng., v124, pp. 581-587.
  • Liu, X., and Jing, T., (2000) “Study on a CAD/CAE system for foundry under concurrent engineering environment”, Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys, No.3. pp. 35-38. (in Chinese).
  • Liu, X., Liu, X. and Jing, T., (1999) “Three dimensional computer-aided design for foundry technology”, Die and Mould Technology, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 16-21. (in Chinese).

Papers Presented in Conferences

  • Pooyan Mobtahej, Sadra Naddaf Shargh, Xinyu Liu, Hassan Zargarzadeh, Maryam Hamidi ,“Anomaly Detection by Employing Root Cause Analysis and Machine Learning based Approach Using Compressor Time Series Data”, , to be presented in IISE Annual Conference & Expo, Seattle, WA, May 21~May 24, 2022.
  • Saumil Patel , Yi Liu, Ruobing Zhao, Xinyu Liu, Yueqing Li, “Inspection of In-Vehicle Touchscreen infotainment display for different screen locations, menu types, and positions.”, to be presented in HCII (Human-Computer Interaction International), virtual, June 26th ~ July 1st, 2022.
  • Tianjian Li, Robing Zhao, Yi Liu, Xinyu Liu, Yueqing Li, “Effect of age on driving behavior and a neurophysiological interpretation”, to be presented in HCII (Human-Computer Interaction International), virtual, June 26th ~ July 1st, 2022.
  • Swagatika Patra , Raghabendra Rout, Xinyu Liu , Swapnil Patole. “Modification of Surface Topography in the application of Biofouling of Ship Hull using Picosecond Laser.” ATMAE-IAJC conference, 2020. Won the best conference paper award. (total two wining papers out of over 100 submissions).
  • Swapnil Patole, Xinyu Liu, Swagatika Patra, Raghabendra Rout, “Experimental Investigation and Theoretical Modeling of Ultrashort Pulse Laser Ablation”, the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Annual Conference, October 21-23, 2020, Louisville, KY.
  • Xinyu Liu, Xuejun Fan, Nicholas Brake, Xiangchang Li, Jiang Zhou, Julia Yoo, Dorothy Sisk, Nicholas Brake, “Application of 3D CAD and 3D printing to RET program to Enrich Engineering Design Education”, ASEE Annual Conference and Expo. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 21-24, 2020. (Virtual Conference Due to Covid 19 Pandemic).
  • Weihang Zhu, Xinyu Liu, Xuejun Fan, Nicholas Brake, Xianchang Li, Jiang Zhou, Julia Yoo, Dorothy Sisk, Assisting High School Design and Manufacturing Curriculum Development through Research Experience for Teachers, Proceedings of the 2019 Institute of Industrial and System Engineers Annual Conference and Expo, May 18-21, 2019, Orlando, FL.
  • Weihang Zhu, Xuejun Fan, Julia Yoo, Dorothy Sisk, Nicholas Brake, Xinyu Liu, Xianchang Li, Jiang Zhou, First Year Experience RET Site: Incorporating Advanced Design and Manufacturing to High School Curriculum, American Society of Engineering Education, June 2018, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu, Xinyu Liu, “Genetic Algorithms Applications in the Food Process Industry”, Proceedings of the 2015 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, May 2015, Nashville, TN.
  • Xinyu Liu, Ning Lou, Swapnil Patole, Dan Rutman, Yachao Wang and Jing Shi, “Experimental Investigation of Micro-Machinability of Nano-TiC Reinforced Inconel Fabricated by Direct Metal Laser Melting”, Proceedings of the 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Nov 2015, Houston, TX
  • Xinyu Liu and Weihang Zhu, “Design of a Low-cost Fiber Optical Occlusion Based Automatic Tool Setter for Micro Milling Machine”. Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing Conference, San Antonio, USA. May 2014.
  • Shreyas Shashidhara, Xinyu Liu, Weihang Zhu, James Curry, Victor Zaloom, Experimental Investigation of the Tool Wear and Tool Life in Micro Hard Milling, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Annual Conference (IMECE-65607), November 2013, San Diego, USA
  • Weihang Zhu, Jiang Zhou, Md. A. Islam, Md. Shufean, Xinyu Liu, Development of a Mobile App for Learning System Dynamics, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Annual Conference (IMECE-62512), November 2013, San Diego, USA
  • Gangenini, B., Liu, X., (2012), “Finite Element Analysis on Single Grit Cutting in Micro-grinding”, IIE Annual IE conference & Expo, May 19-23, 2012, Orlando, FL.
  • Qian, Q., Liu, X., Barrett, M., Charbeneau, R., (2012) “Physical Modeling Study on Hydraulic Performance of Rectangular Deck Drains”, to appear, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May 20~24, 2012, Albuquerque, NM.
  • Liu, X, Zhu, W., and Zaloom, V., (2011) “Multi-objective Optimization for the Micro-milling Process with Adaptive Data Modeling”, ASME International Conference of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, June 13-17, 2011, Corvallis, OR
  • Liu, X., (2010) “Experimental Investigation of Micro-milling Accuracy Using On-Macchine Measurement System”, ASME International Conference of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, October 12-15, Erie, PA.
  • Liu, X. (2010), “In-situ Metrology System for Micro-Milling Machine”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, ChangSha, China.
  • Pandian, P. Kai, F., Yang, L., and Liu, X., (2010) “Systematic Approach to High Mix Low Volume Manufacturing: A Case Study”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, ChangSha, China.
  • Pandian, P., Yang, L. and Liu, X., (2010) “Lean Transformation for High Mix Low Volume Production: A Case Study”, Proceedings of the 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Cancun, Mexico.
  • Atul Dhanorker, Liu, X., Tuğrul Özel (2007) “Micromilling Process Planning and Modeling for Micromold Manufacturing”, Proceedings of MSEC 2007, ASME International Conference of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Tuğrul Özel, Liu, X., Atul Dhanorker (2007) “Modeling and Simulation of Micromilling Process”, CIRP 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and Dies/Molds, Çeşme, Turkey.
  • Liu, X., Jun, M., DeVor, R.E., and Kapoor, S.G., (2006), “Prediction and Analysis of Surface Location Error in Micro-Endmilling”, Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on the Next-Generation Microfactory System, July 6-7, 2006, Jeju, Korea.
  • Liu, X., Jun, M., DeVor, R. E., and Kapoor, S. G., (2004) “Cutting mechanisms and their Influence on dynamic forces, vibrations and stability in micro-endmilling”, Proceedings of ASME 2004 IMECE, Anaheim, CA, USA.
  • Liu, X., Vogler, M. P., Kapoor, S. G., DeVor, R. E., Ehmann, K. F., Mayor, R., Kim C. and Ni, J., (2004), “Micro-endmilling with meso-machine-tool system,” NSF Design, Service and Manufacturing grantees and Research Conference Proceedings, Dallas, TX.
  • Vogler, M. P., Liu, X., DeVor, R. E., Kapoor, S. G., Subrahmanian, R., Sung, H., and Ehmann, K. F., (2002) “Miniaturized machine tools for CNC-based micro/meso-scale machining of 3D features,” the Third International Workshop on Microfactories, Minneapolis, MN, USA.