
Logan Banister

Logan Banister

Director of the Cardinal Jazz Orchestra
Assistant Professor of Saxophone

Office: Music 206
Phone: 409-880-8146
Email: lbanister@lamar.edu 

  • D.M.A. Saxophone Performance/Pedagogy – University of Colorado Boulder
  • M.M. Saxophone Performance – Baylor University
  • B.M. Instrumental Education – Oklahoma Christian University

Logan Banister is a classical and jazz saxophonist, woodwind doubler, and educator.

As a classical saxophonist, Logan has given performances around the world at the World Saxophone Congress, North American Saxophone Alliance Conferences, and at Steinway Hall in New York City. As a jazz and commercial musician, Logan has performed throughout the United States and Europe with world-renowned artists including Ingrid Jensen, Andy Middleton, Keith Anderson, and BEATBoX Saxophonist Derek Brown. Logan also performs frequently in musical theater pit orchestras on saxophone and woodwind doubles.

Logan previously served as Assistant Professor of Music at East Texas Baptist University where he taught courses in applied woodwinds, music theory, arranging, woodwind methods, and directed the ETBU Jazz Ensemble. He holds degrees from the University of Colorado Boulder, Baylor University, and Oklahoma Christian University.