
Petition for Honors Credit

As a Reaud College Honors student, you have the opportunity to earn honors credit in a course from your degree plan, in your academic college or disciplinary core, that is not offered as a stand-alone honors section. The Petition for Honors Credit option is initiated by the professor and offered by that professor on an ongoing basis for any course level and usually involves several students. Courses available on a Petition for Honors Credit basis are listed in the below honors course schedule.

At the beginning of the semester...

If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, you should complete the Petition for Honors Credit form, which both you and the professor sign and date. You must submit the completed and signed form to the Reaud Honors College by the 12th class day. Petitions submitted after the 12th class day will not be accepted. The petition is recorded by the business manager of the college. You may withdraw from a petition no later than the official last day to drop/withdraw without academic penalty by notifying both the Reaud Honors College and the professor. Such a withdrawal will be recorded.

Earn at least a "B" and fulfill petition coursework...

You must earn at least a “B” in the regular coursework in order to obtain honors credit. Generally, fulfillment of the terms of the petition determines only whether you earn honors credit for the course and does not impact the final course grade. You must submit the work agreed upon in the petition to the professor by the established deadline. If the petition has been completed satisfactorily, the college will inform the registrar and the particular course will be marked as "honors credit" on your transcript. If the petition was not completed, you will not receive Honors credit and will be disqualified from entering into further petitions or contracts, unless the honors dean determines that there is a compelling reason to allow you to do so. 

Petition coursework expectations...

You must complete an additional and meaningful component of work beyond the requirements of the regular course syllabus. This may be accomplished in many ways, including (but not limited to) the following: 

  • Investigating an area of the discipline not covered in depth in the regular course
  • Investigating how the student's major area(s) of interest connect with this discipline
  • Applying the information/expertise learned in the course in a creative way
  • Participating in an appropriate and relevant faculty-initiated research project
  • Devising and carrying out a clearly delimited original research project
  • Monitoring and analyzing "current events" associated with the course topic
  • Performing a literature survey in a collateral area of the course topic.

The Honors component may entail a standard research paper, a bibliographic essay, a classroom presentation, or other product as appropriate to the course material.

Any section of these courses taught by the professor listed may be petitioned for honors credit.

Petition Form

Petition for Honors Credit

Course titles for Honors Petition
ACCT 2301 Introduction to Financial Accounting Burns
ACCT 2302 Introduction to Managerial Accounting Burns
ANTH 2346 Introduction to Anthropology Krause
BIOL 2306 Environmental Biology Armacost
BIOL 2421 Microbiology Kucknoor
BULW 1370 Business Environment and Public Policy Baldo
COMM 1321 Business and Professional Speech Favors
DSDE 1374 Introduction to Deaf Studies Buchanan
ECON 2301 Principles of Economics I (Macro) Chakraborty
ECON 2302 Principles of Economics II (Micro) Tang
ENGL 2326 American Literature Sanderson
MEEN 4310 Integrated System Design (Plus Lab) Zhou
MGMT 3310 Principles of Organizational Behavior and Management Howell
MULT 3330 Music History I Proksch
NURS 2373 Basic Pathophysiology Hale/ Marsh/ Shackelford/ Huff
NUTR 1322 Nutrition/Diet Shows/ Ruiz/ Chen/ May
POLS 4461 Moot Court Tahaney
PSYC 2315 Lifespan Development Scheidemandel/ Rossi
PSYC 2317 Intro to Stat. Methods Rinker
SOCI 1301 Intro to Sociology Harden



Reaud Honors College  •  P.O. Box 10968  •  Beaumont, TX 77710  •  ph (409) 880-2294
Office at 985 Jim Gilligan Way [map]   •