
Graduate Council

The 海角社区 Graduate Council exists to guide and support the outcomes and initiatives of the College of Graduate Studies, its members and its students through governance, design and decision-making.

Faculty senators and deans conduct the election of members from the slate of graduate faculty. The dean of the College of Graduate Studies chairs and charges this council, and the council then presents its recommendations back to the dean and to the provost.


  • Jerry Lin (Dean, Graduate Studies), Chair, Ex Officio
  • Yueqing Li (Engineering) Fall 2022-Sum 2025
  • Ken Young (Education and Human Development) Fall 2021-Sum 2024
  • Thomas Harvey (Education and Human Development Fall 2021-Sum 2024
  • Vivek Natarajan (Business) Fall 2021-Sum 2024
  • Debbie Troxclair (Education and Human Development) Fall 2021-Sum 2024
  • Jeff Forret (Arts and Science) Fall 2020-Sum 2023
  • Awais Saleem (Fine Arts and Communications) Fall 2020-Sum 2023

Meeting Minutes